Artist. Zinester. Game Dev/Designer. Graphic Designer. Hobbyist Programmer. LARPer. Creative Person.
Olivia Montoya

Soul Searching

What if there’s a reason why aliens have never made contact with humanity? In Soul Searching, that reason is because humanity is the only species with a civilization that the galactic community has ever discovered that couldn’t be scientifically proven to have a soul. Fearing the implications of this discovery of a species of beings that mimic having free will and goodwill, the galaxy saw fit to quarantine their solar system until they could figure out more about them. Chief amongst their questions is whether these biological automatons can be trusted to interact with other species… and whether the rest of the galaxy is ready to have their entire understanding of sapient life turned on its head. And in the meantime, humans have been advancing their spaceflight capabilities, until a united effort brings them to the verge of their first interstellar mission. The galaxy isn’t ready to make contact, and neither is humanity, but humans are headed for the edge of the solar system regardless, so the galactic community has decided to confront them. No matter what happens, both sides have some soul searching to do.

Soul Searching is a 2-hour LARP of first contact for 8 players. All characters are pre-written. This game has some elements of secrets and powers LARPs, but has much more of a focus on philosophical discussion than on scheming or backstabbing.

This LARP is still in the early stages of writing.