You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Hello there! I’m Olivia Montoya (she/her pronouns), a 31-year-old solo hobby dev/designer, zinester, community builder, event organizer, speaker, and a graphic designer. My focus is on game and game-adjacent projects, particularly narrative video games, tabletop...
Here you can find my projects, which includes things I’ve created, events I’ve planned or participated in, recognition I’ve received, and groups I run, as well as some other miscellaneous things I’ve been involved in...
Want to hire me? Trade zines? Talk about LARP or zines or TTRPGs? Discuss any of my projects? You can get in contact with me through this form, or at my email address metaparadox11 AT...
Hello. My name is Olivia Montoya.
Hello there! I’m Olivia Montoya (she/her pronouns), a 29-year-old former Stanford computer science major taking time off from school indefinitely for health reasons, solo hobby dev/designer,...
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Hello there! I’m Olivia Montoya (she/her pronouns), a 29-year-old former Stanford computer...
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