Artist. Zinester. Game Dev/Designer. Graphic Designer. Hobbyist Programmer. LARPer. Creative Person.
Olivia Montoya

Children of the Gods LARP: The East Coast Run

Children of the Gods is a weekend long one-shot “secrets and powers” style LARP for 37 players. The game was written over the course of several years by Acata Felton, Aaron Sunshine, Eric Fritz, Jeremy Cole, Kelsey Miranda, and Koh Henderson. It originally ran in November 2022 in California as the Luminary Roleplay Society’s Grand LARP, which I attended as a player.

This run of the game will be in Connecticut in October 2024, organized and run by Aaron Sunshine, Acata Felton, Kate Hill and Olivia Montoya (me), with the support of the Luminary Roleplay Society. I will be a GM and Logistics Staff for Children of the Gods 2024. I am also the venue coordinator, webmaster and lead advertiser. During the event, I’ll be GMing and continuing venue coordination. This will be my first time organizing a weekend long game in any capacity.